Do you have comments or questions on our organization? An announcement or posting for our Bulletin Board? Or would you like
to become a member of our club? Please get in touch!
Just click this address to send us e-mail:
Paranormal Researchers
Or you can reach us at our mailing address:
Southwest Paranormal Eastside Office
11340 Tom Ulozas
El Paso, TX 79936
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Become a Member!
Membership is free! Our only qualifications are that you are over 18 years old, of a stable mind, and don't use alcohol or
drugs during our investigations.
Are you in need of our services? Do you have a poltergeist tearing your house apart? Is your husband possessed? Do you
see unexplainable little creatures in your backyard? Do you suffer from heartburn more than twice a week? We offer our services
as paranormal investigators for free! We do however accept donations to buy sophisticated equipment. We will investigate
claims to the supernatural in the El Paso area. We also accept worldwide cases, in which we must be reimbursed for travel