Announcements July 2001 SWP members have investigated several interesting cases of late, we will be meeting
July 10 to discuss which cases should be made public. A vast majority of our cases are kept private as to the homeowner's
wishes. June 2000 June's Ghost Hunt was a success, albeit smaller than I had hoped for! Stefan
was able to fly down from Phoenix, plus I was there myself with my new digital camera to take the pics. Roy was the most organized
of our group and kept a precise log of all occurences. We stopped by Concordia Cemetary before dark, and visited a very old
house at Nevada St. (with permission, of course) on the mountain that was reputed to be haunted by an old woman. We had new
members Julie Birch, Ray Garcia, and David FitzPatrick join us there at dusk. As we entered the house, the more sensitive
of the group felt vibes immediately. Roy and I felt someone had died in the front bedroom and we found ourselves right by
the historical documents. A woman had died there in the late 1970s of old age. The floor boards creaked as we explored each
dark abandoned room. As night began to fall we all felt pulled to the dark, unfinished dirt basement of the home. The stairs
going down were narrow, dark, and rickety. As I walked down I felt the hairs on the back of my neck raise. We settled into
a circle on the dirt floor and talked quietly, relaxing while Roy prepared the recorder and logged into his notebook. We lit
three candles and quieted. I lost all track of time as the sun set and we were engulfed by darkness. Even the candles seemed
to be drowning in the pitch black. Odd shapes seem to lurk in the old rotten beams of the house and the mounds of dirt. Stefan
began a minor channeling to attract spirits. As soon as he began his incantation I heard a distinct pop from the Eastern side
of the basement and felt cold chills go down my arms. Julie also felt a presence. I felt there was movement just out of the
light's reach and so got out my camera and started shooting pictures. I managed to snap two "unexplainable" shots
that night. Roy is still analyzing the audio recordings. Unfortunately, Ray, our new member, stated that he was so frightened
by all the occurences that he didn't know if he wanted to join us again! We packed up around 11 P.M. and I must admit I was
glad to leave the house. It had a negative energy aura. I would like to thank our new members for joining us on
the ghost hunt. Those interested who couldn't join us, I invite you to join us for the September hunt which we plan will be
much larger. We are still looking for a location which we can use for a meeting place. It should be large enough for about
12 people and away from distractions.